Training sessions → Management & leadership → Coaching skills
Training course:
Coaching skills
Two hours • In-person or remote • 4-15 participants
Rated 4.7/5 ★★★★★ from 54 recent reviews
About this training course
Effective leaders coach their people to achieve excellence for themselves and their teams.
Unlike ‘directing’ – basically, telling people exactly what to do – coaching is all about asking someone the right questions, and bringing their tacit knowledge and insights to the surface, then supporting them in taking action. Through coaching, managers start to develop greater confidence, initiative and responsibility in their team members – from ‘tell me what to do!’ to realising they can work out what to do.
Participants on the Coaching skills for managers training course will learn to:
Define what coaching is and when it should be used
Determine key moments when coaching would work in their own team
Identify when it is more appropriate appropriate to “tell” rather than coach
Implement the ‘GROW’ model to release the potential of team members
Use coaching to drive forward the skills and output of their team
Key details
this training session is two hours long and packed with powerful ideas
designed for groups of 4 – 15
delivered by an expert trainer at your workplace, or virtually
interactive, with plenty of exercises that get people talking
customisable, to connect with your organisation’s values

Attendee reviews for our ‘Coaching skills’ training course
"I really learned a lot from this session – this will be a great tool for me to implement where needed, and help me stay on track when my staff will benefit more from a coaching approach."
"The course was very open & interactive – it's also very relevant to my current situation, with a couple of new employees where coaching is needed."
"Great facilitation. Our trainer came off calm, knowledgeable and open which is always great. The content was perfect: not overwhelming. and focused on one method, which allows you to really practice."
“It was really helpful, with both examples and space to discuss and practice the prompts and questions our trainer had taught us. It really made me think about how I act in 1:1's and conversations with my peers and direct reports.”
"Great presentation and examples. The information in the session is very helpful."
"I loved the breakout sessions as a way to get people contributing."
"The coaching section at the end was interesting to show that coaching in itself was a skill set!"
"Excellent course, a great trainer, and the length of the course is just right."
“The instructor was very good at explaining things and helping us with examples when we were stuck."
"Excellent presentation, and the rapid-fire questions for self assessment of an issue were interesting too!"
"I liked the fact that it was very interactive and engaging. We could practice what we had learnt in a safe place."
"Really engaging – the perfect balance of content and exercises."

Create the perfect learning journey for your managers.
Don’t stop with just one session.
Create your dream management training programme, by mixing-and-matching from our library of core courses.
The sky’s the limit.
• Building & leading great teams
• Coaching skills for managers
• Conflict resolution
• Delegation
• Leadership styles
• Inspirational leadership
• Inspiring career conversations
• Introduction to employment law
• Managing absence
• Managing change
• Managing difficult conversations
• Mentoring
• Motivating others
• Performance management
• Recruitment interviewing
• Running meetings
• Strategic thinking
• Thinking as a manager
Empower your managers with coaching skills training sessions.
There's a particular kind of magic that happens when a manager shifts from telling to asking. In that moment, team members begin to solve their own challenges, develop their own insights, and take genuine ownership of their growth. That's the power of coaching conversations.
We often find that managers want to develop their people but default to giving advice or instructions simply because it feels faster and more natural. You might notice this pattern in your own organization - leaders who are excellent at directing work, but struggle to unlock their team members' potential through coaching and mentoring.
This practical coaching skills training session helps managers master the art of developmental conversations. Rather than just adding "coaching" to their job description, participants learn exactly when coaching is the right approach and how to use powerful questioning techniques that prompt reflection and growth. The course introduces frameworks like the GROW model (Goals, Reality, Options, Way Forward) that provide a clear structure for coaching conversations, while building the confidence to coach effectively.
What makes this manager-as-coach training distinctive is its focus on real-world application. Your leaders won't just learn coaching theory - they'll practice core coaching skills like active listening and powerful questioning in small groups, receiving feedback to hone their technique. They'll understand how to establish a coaching contract with team members and create the trust required for meaningful development conversations.
The session explores both the practical and psychological elements of coaching. We've found that many managers need to overcome their own limiting beliefs about coaching - that it takes too long, that they need to have all the answers, or that their team members won't engage. This course helps them embrace coaching as a powerful leadership tool that ultimately saves time while building capability.
By investing in coaching skills training, you're equipping your managers to become true developers of talent. Effective coaching conversations lead to increased employee engagement, stronger problem-solving capabilities, and greater innovation as team members learn to think more strategically. In an era where people expect their managers to support their growth and development, coaching skills have never been more valuable.
The impact often extends beyond individual coaching conversations. Managers who master coaching skills typically find they're better listeners in all contexts, ask more insightful questions, and create stronger relationships with their teams. They become more effective at having all kinds of developmental discussions, from career conversations to performance reviews.
“Maximal learning in a short, but intense, session. This is definitely the way forward for management training, as far as I am concerned.”
Professor Niamh Moran, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland ★★★★★
Training made easy, the BiteSize way •
Training made easy, the BiteSize way •
All killer, no filler: our training sessions are carefully packed with high-value insight, delivering maximum impactt for busy teams.
Live & interactive: real change doesn’t come from half-heartedly skimming through e-learning. We believe in bringing people together, to deliver memorable, engaging training experiences with learning that sticks.
Expert-led: all our sessions are designed + delivered by experienced specialists in L&D, HR and leadership coaching.