Bitesize training courses → Personal effectiveness → Proactively managing your career
Training course: Proactively managing your career
Two hours • In-person or remote • 4-15 participants
Rated 4.5 out of 5 ★★★★½ from 137 recent reviews
About this bitesize training course
Finding true job satisfaction and developing a career plan takes proactive reflection, focus and action.
In this interactive session, attendees will have the opportunity to explore what they want from their career, learn how to take part in constructive career conversations with key stakeholders, and access internal support to navigate their career paths and pursue their aspirations.
For employers, this training course helps reveal alignment between individual ambitions and your company goals, encouraging career progression within your organisation and enhancing motivation and retention.
Participants in our bitesize Proactively managing your career training course will learn to:
Reflect on their career goals and the elements of their roles which enable them to thrive
Ask themselves probing career questions to fine tune their career plan
Request feedback that enables candid discussion
Develop their profile with relevant decision makers
Act on constructive feedback to demonstrate proactivity and adaptability
Make full use of internal resources to develop skills for their next role
Create a career action plan
Pairing suggestion: for line managers, we provide a bitesize Inspiring Career Conversations training course, empowering them to participate confidently in career path planning for their direct reports.
Key details
this bitesize training course is two hours long and packed with powerful ideas
designed for groups of 4 – 15
delivered by an expert trainer at your workplace, or virtually
interactive, with plenty of exercises that get people talking
customisable, to connect with your organisation’s values

Recent reviews of the ‘Proactively managing your career’ training course
"The course was well structured, with good timing. Our trainer had clear messaging from the training and sharing a lot of his experience."
"Our trainer was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and allowed all participants the chance to contribute. The breakout rooms worked really smoothly."
"I liked the questions you asked us – they really made us evaluate how we work, communicate, and portray ourselves. Thank you – I have a lot to think about!"
"Very useful and interesting session with sufficient time in the break out rooms to discuss the points/questions."
"Our facilitator was excellent an the course was enlightening and really interesting. Content was mind-opening."
"Being so interactive was really good – it really did mean you had to focus and pay attention – and it felt inclusive. It was quite fast-paced but covered a lot in that time and felt energising and was thought-provoking throughout"
"The breakout sessions in a confidential environment were good. Especially since you got to know how your colleagues were thinking about their career!"
"Opened my mind to see a broader view and possibilities that take me outside the comfort zone."
Empower your people with training that makes work work.
Create your organisation’s dream development programme with our library of practical, interactive training courses in personal effectiveness.
Give your employees the support they need to learn, grow and thrive, whatever challenges work brings next.
• Business skills toolbox
• Creative problem solving
• Customer service
• Effective minute taking
• Effective networking
• Emotional intelligence
• Making the most of meetings
• Maximising your personal impact
• Negotiation skills
• Proactively managing your career
• Project management
• Stakeholder management
• Success through change
• Successful teamwork
• Time management
“Maximal learning in a short, but intense, session. This is definitely the way forward for management training, as far as I am concerned.”
Professor Niamh Moran, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland ★★★★★
Training made easy, the BiteSize way •
Training made easy, the BiteSize way •
All killer, no filler: our training sessions are crammed with high-value insights, and perfect for busy teams.
Live & interactive: real change doesn’t come from half-heartedly skimming through e-learning. We believe in bringing people together, to deliver memorable, engaging training experiences with learning that sticks.
Expert-led: all our sessions are designed + delivered by experienced specialists in L&D, HR and leadership coaching.